Fun and Games
Setting you up for our little tete-a-tete:
Woke up on Thursday morning and just like any other day thought about what I was going to accomplish that day. I started out with some exercises as I do every morning but this morning I worked on abs instead of the every day neck exercises. Then a little yoga stretching and some lifting with 5 lb dumb bells. Went down to get the fire going and the coffee brewing. My day today would consist of putting away all the Christmas decorations. As the day went on and the boxes were loaded and brought to the basement my back started to ache. By midday I struggled to walk. It was about 2:30 and I realized I had to run errands: cat food (there was literally none); library (there was a book I wanted to read and I knew Seymour had it); bank (which could have waited but while I was out, why not); Free movie at redbox (I have a list of movies to see from the folks at work); Milk. As I was driving I realized it was almost time for school to let out and I didn't want to get trapped behind a school bus so I tried to hurry (ha!) through all my stops. I struggled to lift my legs into and out of the car but managed very slowly. Everything worked out and I was pulling out of Wegmans at 3:30 so no problems with buses but redbox didn't have any of the movies on my list. I didn't want to take the time to find another so I didn't get a movie that day. When I got home all I wanted to do was lay down. I asked Dave if he had one of those lights that goes around your forehead. He didn't but he did have a baseball cap with a built in light so I laid on the floor next to the wood stove with the baseball cap, my reading glasses and the book I had just picked up "To Heaven and Back" by Mary C. Neal M.D. a true story about her death and return to life. Read there for a while but my arms grew tired so had to relocate. I could not move without pain. Dave asked if I had taken anything for pain. I don't usually take anything. It's not like I enjoy being in pain, I am so used to not taking anything I guess I forget it is an option. He brought me some acetaminophen and we sat by the fire and read, I, reading my book and he reading postings on facebook, etc. He made dinner that night. And then brought me 2 more acetaminophen before bedtime.
I felt only slightly better on Friday so lounged around reading my book and took a break to post my newest recipe: Blueberry Marmalade...yummy!
Saturday morning not much better. I get up and struggle to start a fire in the wood stove as Dave is still out with his morning swim routine. I'm hoping a nice hot shower will help me out. It doesn't. I get the coffee brewing. Here he comes in the door with his usual, loudly spoken "Hello" as he cannot see where I am from the doorway. I say hello so he knows I am in the kitchen. He sees me struggling to walk and can tell I am in pain.
Dave says: "look at us we are pathetic, we can barely walk around, my pain is about a 6 or 7."
I have to interrupt him because I don't see a man in pain. He is walking around pretty much looking care free and I am struggling.
JoAnne: So I say to him with a straight face and firm voice "your pain is not a 6 or 7, it is probably a 2 or 3 but it is not a 6 or 7. When you started talking about pain level I was thinking mine was a 6 or 7 and then you go and say you are a 6 or 7? You are showing no signs of being in pain therefore your pain IS NOT a 6 or 7. It is probably a 2. Totally dismissing his pain :).
Dave says: What? Who are you to tell me what my pain level is???
JoAnne: I start laughing! Of course I know how ridiculous my statement is (no matter how true :-))
Dave laughed too.
Yes we are both having back issues. Mine are only temporary, I hope (but reoccur occasionally and can last up to a week at which time I head to the chiropractor), his seem to be constant.
I noticed a few Christmas things that I missed when packing everything away so I will put those things away today and the rest of the day will be lazy. Kind of irritating but I'm taking it as God, telling me I need the rest. :)
Woke up on Thursday morning and just like any other day thought about what I was going to accomplish that day. I started out with some exercises as I do every morning but this morning I worked on abs instead of the every day neck exercises. Then a little yoga stretching and some lifting with 5 lb dumb bells. Went down to get the fire going and the coffee brewing. My day today would consist of putting away all the Christmas decorations. As the day went on and the boxes were loaded and brought to the basement my back started to ache. By midday I struggled to walk. It was about 2:30 and I realized I had to run errands: cat food (there was literally none); library (there was a book I wanted to read and I knew Seymour had it); bank (which could have waited but while I was out, why not); Free movie at redbox (I have a list of movies to see from the folks at work); Milk. As I was driving I realized it was almost time for school to let out and I didn't want to get trapped behind a school bus so I tried to hurry (ha!) through all my stops. I struggled to lift my legs into and out of the car but managed very slowly. Everything worked out and I was pulling out of Wegmans at 3:30 so no problems with buses but redbox didn't have any of the movies on my list. I didn't want to take the time to find another so I didn't get a movie that day. When I got home all I wanted to do was lay down. I asked Dave if he had one of those lights that goes around your forehead. He didn't but he did have a baseball cap with a built in light so I laid on the floor next to the wood stove with the baseball cap, my reading glasses and the book I had just picked up "To Heaven and Back" by Mary C. Neal M.D. a true story about her death and return to life. Read there for a while but my arms grew tired so had to relocate. I could not move without pain. Dave asked if I had taken anything for pain. I don't usually take anything. It's not like I enjoy being in pain, I am so used to not taking anything I guess I forget it is an option. He brought me some acetaminophen and we sat by the fire and read, I, reading my book and he reading postings on facebook, etc. He made dinner that night. And then brought me 2 more acetaminophen before bedtime.
I felt only slightly better on Friday so lounged around reading my book and took a break to post my newest recipe: Blueberry Marmalade...yummy!
Saturday morning not much better. I get up and struggle to start a fire in the wood stove as Dave is still out with his morning swim routine. I'm hoping a nice hot shower will help me out. It doesn't. I get the coffee brewing. Here he comes in the door with his usual, loudly spoken "Hello" as he cannot see where I am from the doorway. I say hello so he knows I am in the kitchen. He sees me struggling to walk and can tell I am in pain.
Dave says: "look at us we are pathetic, we can barely walk around, my pain is about a 6 or 7."
I have to interrupt him because I don't see a man in pain. He is walking around pretty much looking care free and I am struggling.
JoAnne: So I say to him with a straight face and firm voice "your pain is not a 6 or 7, it is probably a 2 or 3 but it is not a 6 or 7. When you started talking about pain level I was thinking mine was a 6 or 7 and then you go and say you are a 6 or 7? You are showing no signs of being in pain therefore your pain IS NOT a 6 or 7. It is probably a 2. Totally dismissing his pain :).
Dave says: What? Who are you to tell me what my pain level is???
JoAnne: I start laughing! Of course I know how ridiculous my statement is (no matter how true :-))
Dave laughed too.
Yes we are both having back issues. Mine are only temporary, I hope (but reoccur occasionally and can last up to a week at which time I head to the chiropractor), his seem to be constant.
I noticed a few Christmas things that I missed when packing everything away so I will put those things away today and the rest of the day will be lazy. Kind of irritating but I'm taking it as God, telling me I need the rest. :)
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