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Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Monday, July 23, 2007

In the Garden

I worked on the garden a few days ago. Haven't gotten around to taking a picture yet and tonight it is raining so I guess I'll add the pic tomorrow. My, my, time comes and goes so quickly here. Does anyone else have that problem? I just can't keep up. I moved the two variegated hosta's I recently put in since I decided I liked these smaller ones better and they needed division. So I just did a flip-flop with them. I wanted to make this path to where my Blessed Mother statue will be. It looks so much different now. With these hosta's in place the garden is now divided into . . . well. . . rooms. I like it. I am still hunting for flat rocks and considering purchasing some at the Iroquois Sand and Gravel or whatever it is called on Sweden Walker Road. It would eliminate splitting rocks. Which I don't really mind but I am getting to old for all this hauling from the woods. I do however like when I find a rather large boulder that can be split and used for my . . . patio/sidewalk/whatever. But try to straighten up after lifting one of those babies into the cart. YIKES! I need to get some young blood here to lift some of those things. Like Yellie!!! That girl could use the work out :). Now don't get all worked up Yellie, just kiddin'. I have enough flat rock to cover about one third of the area so far (I think). Was hoping to get it done before 8/14 but I don't think that is going to happen.

Well, our neighbor brought over 7 large zucchini's. I used one to make some bread and am about to indulge. So it is time to sign off. And I just got through telling the girls at work that I was staying away from chocolate :). Well, I try! The bread in the center is plain. The other has only chips. Matt would turn his nose up at plain or anything with nuts in it. The small loaf I cut has pecans, wheat bran and flax seed added. I made that for me cuz I need healthy stuff in it to justify eating it :-)))) and the guys won't touch that. That's one way of being sure you'll have it for yourself :).

Yesterdays homily - Things are not as important as TIME. So be sure to spend some with those that you love.

Check in tomorrow for some updated garden pics. Until then, have a wonderful, peaceful evening.


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