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Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Monday, May 28, 2007

In the Woods

We brought Matt home this morning, got him all settled in. Dave was reading the paper and Matt was sleeping. I thought it would be a nice change of pace to go for a hike, since the past several days have been constant running back and forth to the hospital. I really should have been cleaning inside and doing yard work but....oh well, all that stuff will be there tomorrow. So I called Yellie and we went for a hike. Shortly after we went out Dave came looking for me to say he was going to the store. I said we wouldn't be long so Yellie and I headed back since the little vampires in the woods were ridiculously thirsty. We decided to do a little art project and cast a few leaves. I went inside to get some plastic gloves and check on Matt. He was still asleep so I went back out. When we finished, we came in the house to wash up. Dave was home from the store and Matt was on the couch, not where I left him (which was asleep on the floor). He asked where we were and wanted to know who was supposed to be watching him? :) Oh boy, guess I'm in trouble...again. You think you're free when they hit 24 don't you? WRONG!!! :)

Anyway, here are a few pics from our hike. We were crossing a swampy area and there was a felled tree caught up in some other tree branches. I thought we should climb it. Here's the little chicken at the bottom and another pic of how far it goes up. I was somewhere in between. It was scary getting up there which wasn't that far, (maybe 10 or 12 feet) but not so bad just sitting there, but I did have a very nice view of things from there. And I thought those Yoga classes were helping me with my balance. Actually they are but there was no way I could balance on this uphill log. Here are a few pictures from up in the tree.
On our hike back we got a picture of "Jack In his Pulpit" :). Had to get his side profile otherwise the picture doesn't do him justice.


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