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Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Things to do Today

I have been trying to get some gardening done in preparation for winter. That requires digging up some bulbs and plants if I want to have them for next year. All those Amaryllis bulbs I bought at Christmas time last year, I planted them in the garden. Those I dug up last week, Giant Calla Lilies I also dug up last week. I still have a different variety of calla lilies, canna, and daliah's to dig and store for the winter. I am also going to dig and store the roots of my geraniums. Geraniums are great! They are drought tolerant and have large bright flowers that add lots of color all through the summer. I have a tendency to plant most of my flowering plants in the back yard where I spend most of my time and then wonder why the front has so little color. DUH! Next year, lots of geraniums in the front along with more sedums, asters and any other drought tolerant plants to my liking.

Yes, the drought continues. We still have very little water and continue to borrow bathrooms from patient and understand friends and haul in gallon jugs of water for just about everything except flushing toilets. We have been able to coral enough rain water for that. No water puts a damper on many things. Like second thoughts about baking, why? You need water to clean up. Second thoughts on yard need more than water. After using the mower, weed eater, chain saw (yup, I did get that out yesterday but only to cut a few things that were bothering me), broom (yes, brooms outside stir up quite a bit of dust) you really need a shower which means begging someone once again for the use of shower stall.

I am hoping to dig up all the calla lilies today, mow the lawn and use the weed eater although I'm not sure if I will be able to do much with the weed eater. I'll be limiting that to a few minutes at a time. Well, time for breakfast and then to work or I'll never get anything done.

Everyone have a wonderful fall day.


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