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Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February Break

Now that the living room curtains finished (and what an ordeal it least for me), the next step is paint chips. I have narrowed down the colors and have been staring at them for a few days now. This morning I think I have decided!

I have had to make some drywall repairs including half of one corner. The tape was rippled on the bottom half. I debated on replacing the whole corner vs just the bottom half, thinking the meeting in the center would eventually have a hairline crack. Dad's words often come back to me "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
Well, that makes it easier for me so I'll go along with that. I decided to just overlap and taper where the repair tape begins in an effort to avoid future cracking. It doesn't look noticeable to me. Hopefully it will work. I couldn't find my roll of paper tape so I borrowed some from my brother in law who had mesh. What a breeze. Nothing like the fiasco I dealt with when I did the corner in My Room last year...or was it the year before?
We also have an extra wide archway needing repairs. I wouldn't do that again, it makes furniture arranging difficult. It is 9 1/2 feet wide. At the time we were thinking of heat efficiency since we have a wood stove in the living room. The open archway would allow heat upstairs easily, however I think 6 or 7 feet would have been plenty wide. Today I will be sanding for the second time and hopefully the last then tomorrow....PAINT!!!

I know I said I would be painting in the spring but I have this week off so why not use it wisely? The garden comes alive in the spring and it will be calling to me. I will be in this hypnotic, trancelike state longing for the feel and scents of the season, to clear away fall and winter debris and find new growth hiding beneath natures blanket, and that paint job. . . . . it will be history. So I figured I'd better get it done now. If we crank up the wood stove, we can open windows :) and get that air circulation. Well, that's it for now, off to start sanding.


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