A Word of Advice
Do not file your tax bill until it is paid :)
Thinking about the tax bill and remembering it came, I went to the bill folder to check out the due date. I was a little surprised to find it wasn't there, where I knew I put it. I began frantically checking in all those piles of papers we all know and love. You know, the ones that tend to clutter our kitchen counters. After searching through the last heap of these undesirables, I'm thinking, Father in Heaven, when was that blasted bill due and where is it now?. . . . . . . . . . . Ahhhhhh yes, I was shocked at the size of that bill when I received it and went to compare it with the previous year. After completing this task, well you guessed it, I filed it along with all the other tax bills. Yeah, that's me. :)
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