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Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Friday, January 22, 2016

The New Year 2016 and Bird Activity

In May of 2015 Dave had a list of health issues. He first was having trouble with his right leg/hip joint. He had an x-ray and received a cortisone shot in the hip area which did nothing.  He then had an MRI, however, while he was waiting for the MRI the doctor thought they should get an ultrasound.  They found he had 2 blood clots in his right leg.  The results of the MRI showed a disc fragment causing much of his pain.  He went to physical therapy for several months but the pain continued.  In mid December he was referred to Dr. Maurer who is a neuro surgeon.  He recommended a simple 45-60 minute surgery which he said should relieve much of his pain.  In the mean time, Wed. 12/23 I started having problems of my own with my back, something I've dealt with on and off for years. The Sunday after Christmas I tried to relieve the back pain by using our inversion table.  This was not a good move.  I made an appointment with my chiropractor on Monday.  I saw him two times that week but things just got worse.  I could barely move without pain.  The following week I made an appointment with the same office that Dave went to for his back pain at Strong West.  They took an x-ray,  provided a muscle relaxer, an anti inflammatory and suggested PT which I gladly accepted.  In just one day I felt relief but wondered what would happen when the prescriptions were gone.  Dave had his surgery this past Monday 1/18/16 and is recovering nicely from that.  I am still going to PT and scheduled for an MRI to check out the on-going lower back problems.

Now to get to the point of this post.  We have been forced to take it easy.  So as I sit here at the table,
relaxing, sipping coffee, looking out the window and enjoying watching the bird activity, I snap a few photos. This woodpecker which I believe is a red bellied woodpecker, has been around for days.  I was so excited to see him return on the second day and then day after day. What I have noticed is the seed in the feeder going down, down, down faster than usual and not because the many, many birds are getting their fair share of seeds. So what am I thinking now about this woodpecker beauty???

He seems to fly away as soon as I try to get a pic.

Guarding whats left of his food source.
Here some of the other birds await his departure so they can get a seed or two before his return.

No Blue jays today. I wonder who would dominate, the Blue jay or the woodpecker? :)  Perhaps the woodpecker since I haven't seen a Blue jay all week.

I am doing some sewing while I sit here.  I'm not just lazing around :)!

As I look at the beginning of the new year, I see that we are starting out on a very good note.  We are both fixing the back issues that have plagued us for so long.  What a great way to start the new year, being proactive!!!

Wishing you all a happy and HEALTHY New Year.