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Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Helleborus, Raspberries , Rhododendron, etc.

What a wonderful day today. Did anyone get outside? Work in the garden? You know, raking up leaves, clearing out all the old debris left from fall? What a great feeling. I got quite a bit done today though there is much more to do. One nice thing about today is there was no wind. Usually when I am out clearing all the fallen leaves from flower beds it is windy and much of the raking is for naught and just gets blown back into the flower beds. Today, I raked the leaves out of the garden and....they didn't go anywhere. Ha! What a time saver :). I moved most of the leaves to the raspberry bed and used them as mulch but fertilized first. Hope it wasn't to early for that.

Here is an updated picture on the Witch Hazel. Kind of cute isn't it? Interesting flower production however I didn't make the purchase for the flowers though they are quite unique. I bought it for it's fall color. Can't wait to see that but let's not rush it, time flies quickly enough.

As I walked around I made mental notes of all the things left to do (as if I wouldn't know, you just have to look around there is obviously plenty). I noticed the Helleborus is finally going to bloom. You can check out the new growth for yourself. It is not a "pretty" picture (yet) but it is a promising one. Also known as the Lenten Rose, could it be because it will be in bloom during lent? As I pulled away leaves and old damaged foliage I saw new growth exciting. I put that in two years ago and this is the first flowering I've had the pleasure to experience.

I also took note of the damage to many plants made not from mother nature but from varmints in the garden. Could someone please tell me why we marvel at the sight of deer when we see them in the yard or those adorable, fuzzy little bunnies? Blast them all!!! Now if the deer would only cut back the raspberries by a quarter instead of 3 quarters I would certainly appreciate it much more. I just planted a Rhododendron last year with beautiful multi shaded light pastel pink to a darker pink flower. It was so breathtaking I couldn't pass it up. The deer trimmed it all up quite nicely, yup, took care of all those nice little buds for me they did...damn!!! . Bunnies...well, I haven't had any problems with them yet but that is only because there's nothing there for them to munch on yet.'s only a matter of time.

Sorry for so few pictures but the camera died on me while out taking them. I haven't had it charging lately. I hear we should expect a dip in temperatures once again. Hope you are enjoying the warmer weather while it is here.


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