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Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Around the Garden

I thought I posted the Dragon Arum after it's big bloom filled the air with a less than pleasant aroma. However, I don't see anything here so I guess I just imagined it. Anyway, this is a picture a day or two later. It didn't last very long and neither did the fragrance, thank God! The anticipation of its opening was rather exciting I do have to say. It certainly is not anything to rush out and purchase.

Here are a few pictures of the Amaryllis that are in bloom. The red lions came and went already. But here is the one I bought from Garden scape a few years ago. The flowers are huge and beautiful and I just love the color.

Then there is the red and white Prince Carnival I got from my cousin Dee for my birthday a few years ago.

This light pink one is the Apple Blossom.

The crocosmia is just forming its buds and I find watching the stages of its growth very interesting. I especially love the blooms, they have a slight droop to them, are bright and colorful and add so much to the garden since the colors of spring have faded. The last garden photo for today is the Contest Elephant Ears. Here is my most recent picture. The first leaf came out deformed (guess it had some trouble working its way through the soil), but the second is very nice and LARGE! That is it for today. Opps! I left out my calla lilies that are just beginning to bloom. Here is a pic of them too.

I am hoping to have an update on the stone patio soon. It is coming along very, very, slowly. I can not believe how long it takes to get a four foot square done. Guess I'm too fussy and it isn't even PERFECT :)!!!
Stay tuned for the best chocolate cake recipe ever . . . so I've been told.


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