Taping the Corner
YES, YES, YES!!! I can't believe it worked. FINALLY! I wanted to put on another coat of mud but I have been busy today :). First when I got home from church I wanted to make this new pancake recipe I found in one of my magazines. Oh my! They were sooooo good, Orange Buttermilk Pancakes, made with fresh orange zest and fresh squeezed OJ. . .yummy, yummy. They tasted so much like MORE!!! :). Then of course there is the clean up which I finished just in time to watch the Bears play the Saints and then after that was the Patriots and the Colts. I rooted for the underdogs and they both won...now what? I like them both so it doesn't matter to me who wins the Super Bowl. Actually, I can't believe I spent the majority of the day watching football :). At any rate, that is what I did today so no work in the New Room.
I don't think I ever said I didn't like football. I watch an occasional game. I don't usually get involved with watching for extended periods. . .I must have been exhausted so I used it as a crutch :)! Perhaps it was the carbs in the orange pancakes that made me sluggish...all day :-))).
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