JoAnne's Family Traditions

My Photo
Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Thought for the Day

( June 27, 2007 )

For God to live in your hearts,
you must love.”

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Snakes etc.

I was out working on the garden again and several of the snakes were still there. So I ran in to get the camera for a few pictures and here they are! I think this last snake picture is my favorite I didn't realize I got his head in the picture. He was slithering away a little to quickly and I thought his head was between the rocks. Look at
those eyes glaring at you. There were some babies (perhaps 12-14" long) but they got away before I could get a picture. The others were maybe 30"or so. Also a picture of the garden so far. It is not exactly what I had planned with regard to the mulch and flat rocks but I'm running out of time and I thought this would be a quick and inexpensive temporary fix since the mulch is free :). I need to till the back part and plant a few things there and then till between the trees. Then I want to divide the hostas that are there replanting around the trees and in between the trees. I may have to do that next spring cuz I'm not sure I should be digging them up now. Perhaps I'll try digging up one and dividing it and see what happens. I'll have to wait and see...maybe if we have a couple of cooler days and some rain. After the tilling is done and plants planted I'll have to finish the edging and get two more loads of mulch. Hope there will be some mulch to get by the time I'm ready for it. Remember you can enlarge any pictures by clicking on them. Well that's it for now.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Life in the fast lane

NO, I am not living the wild life, but it sure is flying by don't you agree??? Good Grief! I can't keep up. I think slow, move slow, react slow...what will I do when I'm 70? That is if I make it to 70.

I have been very busy with taking care of Matt, the garden, the house and work. The healing process is coming along very slowly. We were back in the emergency room on Sunday checking for blood clots since Matt was complaining of unusual pain in his leg. We called the doctor first. He said it could be a blood clot and should be checked out, so we went to Strong. It turned out to be sores created by the cast so they recast his leg with extra padding. He felt much better the next day.

Progress on the garden is moving along at a snails pace. However, I do go out there many mornings and sit with my coffee. It is very relaxing. I was actually working in the garden today preparing to cover the black plastic I put down last year with mulch. I had a bunch of flat rocks on it and decided I wanted to shift the plastic a little so I needed to move all the rocks. When I lifted up the plastic to channel all the leaves into a pile, what did I find??? S N A K E S! YIKES!!! Lots of them. Oh yeah Yellie! and not like that plastic one I threw at you last week :).

One thing I have learned and we hear it so often but rarely pay attention to it. We take life for granted without realizing how precious every breath is and every minute spent with those you love. You never know if it will be the last time you see your loved ones so "make every moment count."

We have no date yet for surgeries but this is good news since Matt is in need of our help. So things are working out for the best right now.

Blessings to you all.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

What My Garden Gives

What My Garden Gives

It gives me many small surprises
When the sun sets and also rises.
A place to think and capture grace,
It slows my mind to a peaceful pace.
It brings me color filled with cheer
That lasts and lasts throughout the year.
It gives me patience and peace of mind.
It gives me the time I so need to find.
It glows and dances with so much great hope.
It offers me the strength to cope.
So bless this garden, my place to start.
For every day it lends me its heart.
Author Unknown