With the Christmas rush over, all the cooking, baking, cleaning, decorating, shopping, wrapping finally at it's end the time has come to sit back and relax! Don't you agree? So.....my free time (you know, the time I should be spending reading a good book, putting away new gift items, laundry that doesn't stop just because Christmas is past, etc.) has been spent playing Freecell. I felt like being a vegetable and Freecell doesn't require much movement so I thougth it would be a good lazy game to play. I don't play often but usually when I sit down I can win a few games in 30 minutes or so then I move along to something else. I was doing fairly well until.......6182. I started this game on Thursday at about 10:00 p.m. or so. Lost about 8 or 9 times, maybe more (kept playing the same game over and over determined to beat it). I thought I needed to step away from it for a while so I went to bed. Didn't get to play until the next night. Called that blasted game # 6182 back up and proceeded to lose again and again. Got some help from Andrew. We sat together for about, oh maybe 45 minutes, lost a few more times. Ate dinner and went back to the game. Again we couldn't beat it. Called the master player (my dad). Told him about how angry I was getting cuz I couldn't win the game. Says he was in the middle of something and would boot it up and try it when he was done. Of course he calls me hours later, at about 10:30 or 11:00 p.m. to say he beat it. grrrrrr!!!! That was last night. Andrew sat for a while today trying to figure it out. Couldn't do it. Took a break to watch a movie. While he was watching the movie I FINALLY WON THE GAME!!!!! I played it over and over and over and over and over. I figure I have to play it about 15 more times to make up for all the times I lost. :) Yes for 3 days we were obsessed with 6182. If you are into Freecell or just like a challenge, give it a try. If you are a hot shot and beat it in 15 minutes or less, Do Not Tell Me About It. I might have to bop you one :)!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!