Five Minutes with the Word
Five Minutes with the Word
Advent 2008
Advent 2008
""Lift up your hearts." "We lift them up to the Lord." "Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God." It is right to give him thanks and praise." So goes the dialogue that begins every liturgy of the Eucharist. Day after day, week after week, we are called to affirm how "right" it is to honor and worship the Lord our God. Especially as we are preparing for Christmas, it is a good idea to do a little self-examination to test the depth of our own worship of the one whom we are called to adore.
When is the last time you worshipped the Lord like this? Not just by attending Mass or studying Scripture. These are good things to do, but worship involves being moved in our heart to demonstrate your reverence and gratitude for who Jesus is and for all that he has done for you through his birth, death, and resurrection. Savor those times you have experienced his love, compassion, and grace. Try to recall these moments of grace every day until Christmas, and take note of what God does in you in response. you will be amazed at all the blessings that flow from a humble, worshipping heart."
Reading from Wednesday December 17, 2008.
Joe Difato, Publisher