Here are a few pic's of my protected garden. Every morning I uncover everything and every night I cover it back up. Well.....actually I hadn't been uncovering the pepper plants which are/were under the milk jugs. They are however uncovered now.
Praise God the varmint has been staying out of the vegetable garden....for some reason I'm not sure about but I'm not complaining about it. It has not stopped attacking my pots though, one in particular.
Okay let me tell you, the other day I was home alone, upstairs checking email and I heard
a noise. I stopped to think....wait...I'm here alone aren't I??? I got up and went to the window just in time to see the back end of a raccoon climbing head first over the railing and down the side of the deck. I ran down the stairs and outside to scream my bloody brains out at it but I didn't see it anywhere. I looked under the deck, all over the yard, even back on top of the deck, under chairs, raccoon. I didn't think I was that slow. BLASTED. Actually it is probably for the best. It probably would have attacked me and I didn't have anythin
g I could use as a weapon, yup! Aren't I brilliant? Chasing after a raccoon and then what, slap it with my hand?
At any rate, at least now I know it IS a raccoon.
It has been haunting me for long enough so today I made a special trip to the store and tonight I have a little surprise for it...can't wait to see if it does anything. Kind of makes me want to stay up to witness the whole thing. What do you think? :-))) Yeah, I know, it probably won't get rid of the thing but it has been pissing me off so I think it only fair if I get to do the same to it!!!