Lots of critters in the garden today. I was working on the new garden, that is...the one I started last year. I finished outlining the path with rocks. This is it so far. I am hoping to till everything under the black plastic soon...this week and plant a few more things. I had to keep hauling rocks from the hedgerow which is on the other side of the yard. This was a continuous interruption which I rather enjoyed, my back didn't mind it either. The first interruption was this very unusual toad. Well, it was unusual for me since more toads are green/brown and all bumpy. This one was gray with black lines, which had a sort of marble effect. Of course I had to run and get the camera. I grabbed the frog and put him in a 5 gallon bucket so I could hold him ransom until I was finished with him. :)
When I got back with the camera, I reached down to pick him up and he jumped up almost to the top of the bucket and stuck there. He had these little suction cups on his toes. I realized he was a tree frog when I first picked him up but, well, guess I'm a slow processor. Basically he could have gotten out of the bucket any time he wanted. Thank goodness he was being cooperative....well perhaps he wasn't that cooperative. I had him by the leg for the longest time :). Here you can see
the suction cups on each toe.
He finally calmed down and took some nice pictures. When I finally gave him his freedom, he just sat there!!! Must have thought I wasn't so bad after all :).
The next visitor was a garden snake.
Here he is about 4 1/2 feet long. Just kidding he was a baby about 2 feet at the most. Then there was a ham of a chipmunk. When I finished edging the garden path with rocks, I took a break. Had some ice water and sat on the deck reading a magazine, camera in hand. There were lots of birds around today: chickadees, titmice, juncos, cardinals, robins and a couple of these with the yellow stripe. Not sure what they are...house finch??? Anybody???
Here is one more pic of the chipmunk.Just look at him posing for the picture.
And how about this guy? Take a look at that mug on him. What's he thinkin'? "Take a hike lady can't you see I'm tryin' to eat?
Your mother never taught you any manners?"
Well, that's about it for today. Spent lots of time taking pictures, hauling rocks and enjoying relaxing on the deck with my magazine. Got the boys to put up the gazebo. It was wonderful sitting there in the shade with the perfect breeze. Spring is finally here!!!
Yellie, look at all the things you missed today!