Newest Project in the Garden

This project involved tilling and removing excess dirt in order to make the rocks (somewhat) level with the ground plus since I was connecting the mounds under each tree I decided to dig up all the plants there and add amendments to the whole area, then replant. First I had to remove the black plastic, which I had placed many of the rocks on, so that meant I had to move all the rocks to
remove the plastic. Then I used the tiller to till all around the edge so I would have a boundary. This I did on Friday.

On Saturday I tilled the gardens. Then started putting flat rocks around the edge.
I didn't quite finish that when I realized I needed high round rocks to put around the garden to keep the soil and mulch from flowing onto the flat rocks. So back to the hedgerow for more rocks. I finished that about 7:45 and decided to call it a night. I still had to shower and make dinner... in actuality I put Dave to work doing that while I got cleaned up. Sunday I removed all the plants, and replanted. I started tilling and removing soil to lay flat rocks. Today, Monday I worked more on laying flat rocks and sand.

Here is my project so far. I will need to continue looking for flat rocks and will add them as I get them. This has been a brutal, labor intensive weekend. . . hauling, splitting, digging, tilling, shoveling, planting, watering. Thank God I have to go to work tomorrow. I am whipped. I'm not finished but the pressure is off since I have so much of the work done. Now I will just work on it a little at a time as I get rocks. That will be so much easier. It is kind of .....cloudy right now once it gets rained on or perhaps we will have to hand spray the sand off the tops of all the rocks. Then it will look nicer. :) Now I am off to cut up my first fresh pineapple. Then it is bedtime for these weary bones.
Sleep tight everyone!