JoAnne's Family Traditions

My Photo
Location: Western, New York, United States

I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.

Friday, January 25, 2008

You're the One that I Want!

This is phenomenal. For all of you who love dogs and/or music from the Musical "Grease" check this out.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Looks Like Santa has had a rough year!

Went to brunch with the girls today: Mary Ann and Mary Lou. Had a great time but poor Santa. He has been out of it for weeks now! :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Corkscrew Vine

Last spring I planted some seeds for this Corkscrew Vine that a friend of mine gave me. I got one vine out of them and it grew but never flowered so I dug it up and brought it inside. I had it growing on an obelisk so I brought the whole thing in. I didn't cut it back until all the leaves started wilting. Guess it went into shock. Anyway, I cut it back and eventually it started growing some new shoots. When I was decorating for Christmas I wrapped some lights around the obelisk (mistake) cuz now the vine is winding itself around the string of lights. Now What! I think I'm going to have to cut this back in spring but in the mean time I guess I'm keeping the lights hanging. Or should I be cutting it back now so it could possibly produce more runners by spring time? Any opinions or suggestions? Has anyone grown this vine and had success getting it to flower? It would be nice to say I was successful for once.
I've got the Geraniums I took cuttings of last week planted. They are not looking all that great. I forgot about them and planted them two days later :). Forgetting...the story of my life!!! Do you think they will survive? Time will tell. I still stuck them in rooting powder and planted them.

African Violet Update

A few new pic's. Here is the African Violet I transplanted last week. It is doing great so far so I guess it was okay to transplant while it was blooming. The other plants in the original dish are looking great too.

Friday, January 04, 2008

African Violet update and Shopping

Okay, this morning the African Violet and all other plants that had root disruptions yesterday are still perky and healthy looking. I'm thinking if I did anything wrong it would be showing by now... again, time will tell.

On another note, you all know how I love shopping.....NOT!!!!!!!!
Well, I have been in the market for a new pair of black shoes and have been nursing the pair I have. I really love these shoes. They are about 8 years old and probably the most expensive shoes I ever bought but they fit comfortably, when originally purchased (which is unusual for me) and were worth every penny. I have glued the heel on two times. Both times it came off at work. Yesterday while I was cleaning and straightening rooms I picked up my shoes to put them in their proper place and noticed the end of the heel was gone. Is it possible I was walking around not knowing my heel was missing? Inconceivable!!! :) Is this what my new year is going to be like? Good Grief! I have searched high and low for that heel around the house but to no avail. I am now FORCED to go buy a new pair of black shoes otherwise I will have nothing to wear to work... ;). Hum, perhaps I should rethink this shopping spree today. Unfortunately my boots are leaking, my mascara is dried out, my jeans have holes in conspicuous places and I need some other more personal items too. I'm sure if I thought about it a little longer, I could extend this list however, I prefer not to go there. This list is stressful enough. See what happens when you put off shopping?

It is getting late, better be on my way. Everyone have a scrumptious day!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

African Violet Transplantation

While I was in the hospital after the kidney donation my dad brought me this beautiful dish garden. The African Violet is growing quickly and smothering the other plants. I have been wanting to transplant it but thought it might not be a good idea while it is flowering. So I was planning to wait but today, Thursday (my scheduled watering day) I couldn't take it anymore so I went ahead and performed the transplant.

So here we are with before and after pictures. I tip my hat to the florist who's selections created a wonderful arrangement. I love the porcelain dish as well.

I also cut back one of my geraniums and now have 7 cuttings to root. I don't usually have very good luck with this but last year I accidentally forgot about a few cuttings and realized it a day or two later. I put them in dirt anyway and low and behold they rooted so that is what I am going to do this time around. In the past I have had 3 dozen cuttings and am lucky if I end up with 6 plants. I think I have stumbled onto the secret. I was told to let the cut end dry but I didn't think it was overnight. Consequently, the majority would just die. So hopefully I will be more successful this year. I am planning to put in lots of geraniums (if I am successful) since it has occurred to me that they love sun and drought. At least the ones I have on the deck (and forget to water) are always loaded with blooms. Considering the drought we just went through and the lack of water in this household for 2 months, I am having to take a look at my gardens and perhaps get rid of some of those plants that need pampering. A rain barrel is definitely in the future for the back garden. Geraniums like Marigolds might be the typical gardeners choice but you can't beat them for hardiness and color throughout the summer and fall.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!,,16961_rs,00.swf