Pictures of my ALMOST finished Living room
The painting is done, the border is up and most of the furniture is in the room however I'm not sure about placement. I ordered a few pieces of furniture from JC Penney's on line catalogue. As I have said previously, I really dislike shopping...for just about anything. It is such a "time waster" to me, due to the fact that I can never make a decision. I usually end up with one of the first things I saw anyway so I'm just eliminating all that extra shopping by going with my first find. After I ordered I started thinking about an alternative but put a stop to that constant debate over which is better. I don't really care that much as long as it is comfortable and goes with the rest of the room. I did go as far as to check with Penney's to see if there was a showroom close by so I could at least view/try these pieces out prior to purchase however, the closest was Niagara Falls and that showroom didn't have the pieces I wanted so I guess I'm just going to pray that I am satisfied with what is delivered. 
Making the curtains was a project in itself though I am happy with the way they turned out and I can't believe I found curtains (with a print) that actually go with the border. Overall I am pleased with the results of our choices. I did allow input from the guys. It actually turned out that I would not have chosen the paint colors I did without their input. We chose from 3 shades of green and 3 shades of beige.
They chose the darkest green, I would have gone with the medium green. They chose the darkest beige, I would have gone with the lightest. I am hesitant to go too bold but I took a chance because I did think that the darkest green went very well with the border. So we went with the darkest green and compromised on the medium beige.
I still have some items to decide on...whether or not to return them to the room or find alternate placement and I still have to hang pictures. I'm debating on what I want where. Of course I debated on leaving all the prepared holes where they were and I'm not sure I want them there now. Hum, that could be a problem. Guess I'll have to work around that. Should I have taken out those plastic things and filled the holes prior to painting only to make new holes? I don't know. See why I dislike this stuff? To much decision making.
I brought up some of my dormant plants from the basement in preparation for spring and summer. If you haven't done that yet, it is time. I may have started to early but I want my plants flowering when I put them out in May so I started in January.
Here are the before pictures.

Making the curtains was a project in itself though I am happy with the way they turned out and I can't believe I found curtains (with a print) that actually go with the border. Overall I am pleased with the results of our choices. I did allow input from the guys. It actually turned out that I would not have chosen the paint colors I did without their input. We chose from 3 shades of green and 3 shades of beige.

They chose the darkest green, I would have gone with the medium green. They chose the darkest beige, I would have gone with the lightest. I am hesitant to go too bold but I took a chance because I did think that the darkest green went very well with the border. So we went with the darkest green and compromised on the medium beige.
I still have some items to decide on...whether or not to return them to the room or find alternate placement and I still have to hang pictures. I'm debating on what I want where. Of course I debated on leaving all the prepared holes where they were and I'm not sure I want them there now. Hum, that could be a problem. Guess I'll have to work around that. Should I have taken out those plastic things and filled the holes prior to painting only to make new holes? I don't know. See why I dislike this stuff? To much decision making.
I brought up some of my dormant plants from the basement in preparation for spring and summer. If you haven't done that yet, it is time. I may have started to early but I want my plants flowering when I put them out in May so I started in January.
Here are the before pictures.