Okay, this morning I had the notion I should pray over and bless my yard and garden :). SO, I set out with holy water in hand to do just that. I started out on the deck since that is where my entrance to paradise begins most of the time and I blessed all my plants then headed down the stairs only to find this flying flower in my path. It was like it was sitting there waiting for me. I picked it up and the surprising thing is....it let me :). I started talking to it as
I headed to "Mom's Garden" (that's the new garden I've been working on for 3 years). It seemed to be content to stay there on the tip of my finger although it turned to face me when I was talking to it. Oh, by the way, it will now be referred to as Francis. I wondered how long Francis would stay with me and if I would be able to go in the house, get my camera and take a few pictures. No way was that going to work. The sprinkling of holy
water to bless the grounds was brought to a stand still now that Francis was on the scene. So instead, I decided I could pray and proceed with the holy water blessing at the time of Francis' departure. I raised my hands up to pray and Francis turned away from me and toward the heavens, as if joining me in prayer . . . . . inconceivable!!! I love it!!! :) I could feel a sort of pulsing on my finger tip. This was so neat. When I was
done praying I brought my hands down and Francis turned back toward me. I wished I had my glasses so I could see more clearly however I did see Francis' head turn back and forth on a few occasions. Francis did not stay on my finger tip but moved around on my finger, hand and wrist. We walked through the entire yard together checking out all the new flowers, snakes and whatever else we encountered on our excursion. Since Francis seemed still content to stay with me I dared to chance retrieving my camera. I walked up the deck stairs, slid
the sliding glass screen open and then closed. Francis stayed put on my finger. I did not remove my shoes but proceeded into the den to get the camera, then back to the door and out onto the deck, all the while with Francis on my finger. At this point I was thinking Francis couldn't fly and that was the only reason Francis was being so cooperative. I decided since Francis was now on my sweater, I would take it off and make myself some coffee then rejoin Francis on the deck where I put my sweater. I went in and came out only seconds later to find Francis gone :(. At least I know there was nothing wrong with Francis. I took 19 pictures with only my left hand available. This was a little awkward but I am so glad I could get them. Some were too close but I'm posting a few of them anyway just so you can see Francis. Please be sure to click on pic's to see Francis close up.
What a great way to start the day. Now that the morning is almost over, I'd better get to the tasks at hand.