JoAnne's Family Traditions
About Me
- Name: Pati
- Location: Western, New York, United States
I spend most of my free time gardening, reading garden magazines, photographing the garden or baking (mostly sweets, which list chocolate as the main ingredient). I play the guitar and sing in a contemporary choir of which I have been a member for 26 years.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
The New Driveway :)
Today's Homily
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Mary's message in Medjugorje for this month
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Garden Pic's

Monday, July 23, 2007
In the Garden

Well, our neighbor brought over 7 large zucchini's. I used one to make some bread and am about to indulge. So it is time to sign off. And I just got through telling the girls at work that I was staying away from chocolate :). Well, I try! The bread in the center is plain. The other has only chips. Matt would turn his nose up at plain or anything with nuts in it. The small loaf I cut has pecans, wheat bran and flax seed added. I made that for me cuz I need healthy stuff in it to justify eating it :-)))) and the guys won't touch that. That's one way of being sure you'll have it for yourself :).
Yesterdays homily - Things are not as important as TIME. So be sure to spend some with those that you love.
Check in tomorrow for some updated garden pics. Until then, have a wonderful, peaceful evening.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Stay tuned for more trivia.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Kidney Transplant Update
We finally have a surgery date, Tuesday, August 14 at Noon. We have been made aware that if there are any emergencies we will be bumped. But right now that is the schedule.
I have been preparing for this for quite some time. So far I'm doing quite well with the idea of donating but wonder if I'll want to head for the hills in a state of panic as the day draws nearer :). Kind of like Matt's motorcycle accident in May. I remember running from my car to him lying in the road, panic rising but I think our neighbor knew my feelings because before I even got to Matt he kept shouting "he's okay, he's okay". This really helped me remain calm. I could see he was okay but still felt panic creeping in.
I'm trying to take care of things around the house that I might normally put off. But not really getting much done. We have had so many grad parties, weddings, bridal showers, baby showers, retirement parties, etc. There is just no time to do anything.
Matt is just now able to put 50% pressure on his leg, has a walking boot and is recovering quickly although probably not as quickly as HE would like. I'm sure he feels pressure due to the upcoming surgery and wants to be helpful. He will be getting around much better in another month so I really have no worries there. Elizabeth is local so will be here. Melissa and Andrew will be coming home to lend a hand for a few days. If all goes well that is probably all I'll need but while they are here I'm planning to take full advantage of turning this into a ME world :-))). Nothing is ever about ME. It's always about Dave, it has always been about Dave and it will probably always be about Dave. How about this one...he has now gotten channel 21 involved in following the transplant with his connections at the U of R. They will be doing a documentary: "Renal Failure in the Life of DAVID KLEEHAMMER". Of course that is not really what it will be called :). So now they will be filming it all...donor and recipient. Yup, we will be on the "LEARNING CHANNEL :)". Do I lie????? See how he has dragged me into his ME WORLD?!? Yeah, like my pale complexion and purple lips aren't bad enough with no make-up now I get to be filmed looking...sickly. At least I'll have an excuse. THEY BETTER HAVE A MAKE-UP CREW TAGGING ALONG or there's going to be trouble :-))) Yeah and he wants me to think of questions, or comments or WHATEVER!!! I don't know. Those of you who know me, know what I'm thinking... having to TALK. Oh Lordy! Plus, after the transplant he will have all this post-op stuff...for the rest of his will be all about him. When the children come home I'll be milking it. I am going to get them to do my gardening. None of them have ever had an interest in it so I'm going to force them to take an interest :-))))))).
Speak of this to no one! Especially not the children.
AND Whoa to the one who attempts to foil my evil scheme!
So listen up everyone! The day I come home from Strong it is going to be all about ME. That's right: ME, ME, ME!! "JO ANNE'S WORLD" for at least a week. AND if I start a little early or drag it on for more than a week please do your best to excuse and forgive my selfish behavior :). Cuz it will all go bust when Dave comes home.
Plant with no name

Saturday, July 14, 2007
Garden Pictures

Here are some pic's of the new garden which I have named "Memories". My originally thought was a garden in memory of my mom and so Memories is dedicated to my mom but I have also incorporated many plants, garden art and ideas that came from trips I've taken, inspiration of others and ideas generated from observations.

Here is an update on the flat rock area I'm working on. I have decided to fill in with sand...I think. I keep changing my mind. I also need lot's more rocks and am not very successful at finding them thin enough. I have been splitting some with a masons chisel but it is difficult, tiring and time consuming work. My first pumpkin in years. I always have a problem with squash vine borers and this year is not different. I did notice signs of them in this vine but got it in early enough to produce at least one pumpkin. :). Don't know why I bother really, it takes up lot's of garden space where I could be planting something eatable. AND this year I have been faithful at dusting this pumpkin vine once a week and also after rain. I don't really like to do that but I have tried everything possible to get rid of these things. Nothing works! I thought...I haven't tried dusting faithfully so I thought I would try that. Guess next year I will use the space more efficiently.

Here are just a couple more pic's of the garden on the east side of the yard. Bee Balm with it's interesting flower head and the morning glories are taking their sweet time to fill in this trellis. That is it for now. Everyone have a wonderful day.
Fox Family

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Strawberry Short Cake
Yummy, yummy in my tummy!
Pound Cake
1 cup butter
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon each, vanilla and almond
Cream butter and shortening. Add sugar gradually, creaming all the time. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition. Mix flour and baking powder. Measure milk and add flavoring to milk. Add each alternating beginning with flour and ending with flour. Pour into greased and floured tube pan and bake at 325 for 90 minutes. Cool slightly. Remove from pan.
Glaze warm cake with 2 cups confectioners sugar and 1/4 cup lemon juice. Glaze will harden as it cools, don't worry. It is excellent!!!
When cool, take a slice, top with a ton of sliced strawberries and your favorite whipped topping. I used fat free (you have to cut somewhere :)). Enjoy!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
July 4th on the 1st

Matt making the best of his situation and having a conversation with his cousin Miles. When most people were gone a few of us cleaned up and then we decided to try to fly this awesome kite that Dolores brought. It had two strings for stunts needing ultimate control. We had no directions to put it together but we tried. Paul and I tried to get it to fly but it was difficult and you definitely get a work out. I got the kite in the air for....oh maybe 10 seconds. That was the best we could do. Very difficult to control. Good Luck to Dolores if she ever tries to fly it.
Happy 4th everyone.